Friday, March 28, 2008


This week's pictures are from a trip last summer to Brazil. I was asked to go to Brazil to talk about trade opportunities and economic development initiatives. We have a large and growing Brazilian population in Massachusetts. Many are interested in trade opportunities. I traveled to the city of Belo Horizonte and then on to the Town of Ouro Preto. Both are in the province of Minas Gerais. This area is where many of the Brazilians living in Massachusetts lived. It is known for its great minerals and Ouro Preto has a marketplace where all kinds of gem stones can be purchased very inexpensively. The village is also the location where Richard Dreyfuss filmed "Moon Over Parador". The first picture is a town building in a central square in town. It used to be a jail and was used as the Capital of Parador in the film. The second picture is a street with many small markets. It was a great place to visit and we have had ongoing discussions concerning trade leads since I got back. Brazil hosts the second largest medical device trade show in the world and Massachusetts, with one of the highest concentrations of medical device manufacturers in the US, is going to exhibit at that show. We also received a visit from a film maker who is working on securing funding for a film about women who came from Brazil and now live in the state. And the business group that sponsored the trip to Brazil has also held a similar meeting in Boston early this year. This ongoing trade talk is what makes the connections that lead to increased business between the two areas.


Anonymous said...

Kolchak: The Brazil Stalker

Steph Bose said...

rumor has it you have a daughter who would love to travel there with you.... just sayin'.

also, how can we make this post into a talk about casinos? i mean all the other ones have turned out that way. :o).

Anonymous said...

well you could ask what business group payed for the trip

dan bosley said...

A Brazilian group interested in new business opportunities paid for the trip. It was cleared by the ethics commission and I gave four speeches in three days.